Graphic design Geneva

Festival FILMAR
en América Latina

FILMAR en América Latina is the largest film festival dedicated to Latin American cinematography and culture in Switzerland. Every year since 1999, a large number of fictions and documentaries are screened during two weeks in November, in many movie theaters in Geneva. 

Cinéma de trois Mondes

Identité visuel


Site web

Association Cinéma de trois mondes

Branding + Design + Web

Graphic design Geneva

La présence des cultures amérindiennes

La cosmovision est la vision du monde et de la vie de diverses cultures, dans lesquelles des éléments terrestres non humains et d’autres éléments ne sont pas seulement présents dans les cosmogonies et mythes fondateurs, mais tiennent aussi une place réelle dans la culture contemporaine.

website capture

We could realise an amazing project together

graphic design company

International Labour Organization​

Green jobs are central to sustainable development and respond to the global challenges of environmental protection, economic development and social inclusion. By engaging governments, workers and employers as active agents of change, the ILO promotes the greening of enterprises, workplace practices and the labour market as a whole. These efforts create decent employment opportunities, enhance resource efficiency and build low-carbon sustainable societies. 




International Labour Organization

Design + Web + Technology

Digital agency
Digital agency
entreprise de webdesign
entreprise de webdesign
entreprise de webdesign
graphic design agency
graphic design agency
agence de design graphique
agence de design graphique

We could realise an amazing project together

infographic 2d 3d

International Labour Organization

The impacts of COVID-19 on employment and decent work

The COVID-19 pandemic is the worst global crisis since the Second World War. It has profoundly affected individuals and societies, bringing devastation to healthcare systems and economies at every scale. Shortly before the outbreak of the pandemic, the ILO Committee of Experts (CEACR) published its General Survey on Promoting Employment in a Changing Landscape, It examines the application in ILO Member States of 8 international labour standards on employment and decent work in light of rapid changes in the world of work.

International Labour Organization

Site web